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Recruiting and Retaining High-Performing Employees

About this program

Back by Popular Demand. Rebroadcast of a PMI favorite.

Stop the revolving door and learn how to attract and retain high performing employees. People’s attention is harder than ever to capture in our world of shiny new objects and constant stimulation. The grass always looks greener somewhere else. But there are patients to see, claims to be processed, and work to be done. How do practice leaders consistently recruit and retain high quality team members while maintaining financial responsibility? In this session, you will learn to harness the power of culture to build a workplace that people seek out. An environment that draws new people in and invites them to stay is never just an accident. It is built on people, processes, and technology converging intentionally to become more than any one of those could be on its own, no matter how excellent it was. Attendees will learn how to bring these three pillars together such that they are stronger than the sum of their parts.

Beyond self-awareness and emotional intelligence, a highly developed culture makes intentional use of workflows and technologies to ease the actual burden of work. It’s not just about becoming more efficient; it’s about becoming more effective at meeting the needs and desires of our patients and our staff. To relate the concepts addressed in this session to the reality of practice leadership, this session includes real life examples. Storytelling, positive self-talk, mindset and other critical but less examined leadership skills will be referenced throughout the presentation. Practice leaders will walk away with a greater confidence in their own ability to create a thriving culture as well as a toolkit to bring these synergies to their teams.


  • Understand the foundations of workplace culture
  • Recognize when and how to use soft skills like emotional intelligence and self awareness
  • Leverage process improvement
  • Maximize technology to improve workplace culture

Read Katie's recently published leadership article, published in the December issue of Oncology Practice Management.